($455 for legal fees + $370 comprehensive third-party trademark search report, and $275 federal filing fee for one class of goods/services using standard TEAS application*. Total $1100.)


  • STAGE 1: Preliminary search of the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) for confusingly similar trademarks based on intake questionnaire responses about your proposed trademark given in secure client portal.
  • STAGE 2: Procurement of a comprehensive nationwide trademark search report from a trusted third party, a thorough review of the results, and an opinion letter from the firm's trademark lawyer regarding the availability of your proposed trademark.
  • STAGE 3: Preparation of your trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
  • 30 minutes of legal consultation split between review of results from the TESS search and review of search report results.
  • The firm will respond to any non-substantive, purely ministerial Office Actions from the USPTO at no extra charge; work on Office Actions involving legal research and/or substantive advocacy will be charged at the firm's standard rate of $250/hr.
  • All work except the third-party search report is performed by the firm's trademark attorney. Additional legal and USPTO filing fees apply if the firm is retained to handle additional trademark filings subsequent to issuance of a certificate of registration by the USPTO.
* USPTO filing fees can be lowered from $275 per class of goods/services to $225 by using the TEAS Plus system if your application meets certain USPTO requirements.

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