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900 Numbers

Unlike toll-free 800 numbers, 900 numbers charge a fee for every minute of the call. The FCC's "900 Rule" requires that pricing be disclosed in any advertisement using a 900 number. Additionally, 900 numbers that charge more than $2 per minute must play a message for the caller explaining the fees before charges begin accumulating.

TIP: Callers must be given 3 seconds to hang up without incurring a charge after the informational message is played.

How do I know if calls to 900 numbers are being billed to me?

Check your telephone bill for charges from 900 numbers. The 900 Rule requires that the date, time and the length of the call is included on your bill, separate and apart from your usual telephone charges.

How do I dispute unauthorized charges from 900 numbers?

Check your bill for the identity of the company that takes complaints. It could be your phone company, the 900 number business or another service. You have 60 days to notify the company listed on your bill that you are being charged for unauthorized calls.

TIP: Under FTC rules, your telephone cannot be disconnected for nonpayment of 900 number calls.

Can I block the ability to call 900 numbers from my phone?

Yes. Your local phone company is required to make blocking available for a reasonable fee. Call your telephone company and request 900 blocking.


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